Facial Waxing PROs & CONs
Waxing is a literal pain sometimes, but it is one of the major ways through which one can achieve their ideal look. There are tons of waxing procedures out there, legs, arms, bikini, brazillian, and the topic that we’re discussing today, known as full face waxing. Ask yourself what is the first thing a person notices about you, the answer is your face. And that is why precisely your facial grooming game needs to be absolutely, positively on point. You can’t afford any mess ups and definitely can’t be the person with the caterpillar eyebrows or the one with an upper lip ‘stache.
But full face waxing is a tricky and delicate procedure. Sure, there are many waxing procedures available but this needs special care as facial skin is quite delicate. So the question arises, should you go with it or not? Should you get your face waxed or opt for another procedure? No need to fret, I have broken down the pros and cons so its easier for you to make a choice:
Perfect for women who suffer from a lot of facial hair.
While shaving facial hair makes the hair that grows back hard, waxing uproots the shaft of the hair.
It has much longer lasting results as compared to shaving, about 3-4 weeks at least.
While shaving cannot guarantee all facial hair will be evenly removed and bleaching can turn out patchy with abnormal golden gradients of hair, waxing is a much more precise hair removal technique.
Waxing damages your facial hair follicles and this is not a bad thing at all, as this means reduced hair growth and over time less and less hair will row.
Full face waxing is much more economical and you can do it at home.
We have just seen some pros of full face waxing which may have already convinced you, however its best that you make your choice after having heard both sides of the story. Here are the cons:
It’s painful because the skin on your face is sensitive.
Waxing sometimes leads to unsightly patches of blood on your face. The hair is after all, being ripped from your face.
Waxing done wrong can cause skin irritation, discoloration, burns, infections and even allergic reactions.
You have to repeat the process many times for best results. This means more pain.
On facial hair waxing can lead to the formation of in-grown hair, which is a pandora’s box on its own.
After waxing, you will be homebound for a whole day as your skin is sensitive and more prone to infection.
These were some of the cons, which may put you off. But then again, the rest of the facial hair removal methods have cons as well and compared to them the full face waxing method sounds a lot better. So in a nutshell, full face waxing is your best bet.